Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University. She spent years telling people that stress was bad for them; that stress would increase their risk of experiencing all sorts of minor and major health issues. Then she came across a study...
Figuring out what practices work for you and your family – whether they be mindfulness, kindness, compassion, gratitude or any other type of practice – is a process. My daughter, when she was four, used to tell me quite emphatically, “I don’t...
Six parenting books that I recommend checking out. Includes books on introducing mindfulness to your child(ren) and encouraging resilience, books for parents of babies and adolescents, and books that explain brain science and how children’s brains develop. Happy...
In this video post, I’ve chosen five children’s books that we have at home that support the development of compassion in children. I review them in this short video....